What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want the UpperTorso to rotate towards the mouse for my weapon system, I want to make it similar to jailbreak.
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
When the mouse is pointing down the UpperTorso looks up robloxapp-20201230-1457378.wmv (1,2 MB)
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I have googled to see if I found a similar topic in the forum but I have not found anything related.
The code I use is similar to this only that I have passed it all to the client
If you are using a code similar to the post you linked then you will need to add a rotational offset because off the nature of the C0 joint being relative to the part 0 of the Motor6D.
function answears(plr,look)
local rootCFrame = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame;--make sure to get your humanoid root part
local rotationOffset = (rootCFrame - rootCFrame.p):inverse();
--Gotta add this rotation offset first to make the c0 look in world terms
waist.C0 = rotationOffset*CFrame.new(waist.C0.p, Vector3.new(math.floor(look.X* 100)/100,math.floor(look.Y * 100)/100,math.floor(look.Z * 100)/100))
Eh, then it must be something wrong with the code the other guy posted. TBH I don’t really understand his math.floor method so I will use my own method introducing my own resource [Insert Shameless advertising]
Now you can add constraints in the form of angles so it looks more realistic
New script using my module
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local waistConstraints = {
["YawLeft"] = 45;
["YawRight"] = 45;
["ElevationAngle"] = 45;
["DepressionAngle"] = 45;
local TurretController = require(script.TurretController)
local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character if not char then return end
local UpperTorso = char:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") if not UpperTorso then return end
local waist = UpperTorso:FindFirstChild("Waist") if not waist then return end
local mouseUnitRay = camera:ScreenPointToRay(mouse.X, mouse.Y)
local mouseRay = Ray.new(mouseUnitRay.Origin, mouseUnitRay.Direction * 500)
local target, hit = workspace:FindPartOnRay(mouseRay, mouse.TargetFilter)
local waistController = TurretController.new(waist,waistConstraints)
And here is the place file. Keep in mind my current implementation is glitchy if the player looks straight down. Also instead of always checking if the character has a waist, you can probably just either use StarterCharacter scripts or use the character added event so it’s less laggy to avoid doing this:
every renderstep, you can just do a Character:WaitForChild(“UpperTorso”) with the character added event. Also it’s a good idea to instantiate my turret controller object only once rather than creating it every renderstep which I did currently due to convenience reasons with your current code setup. Just keep this in mind next time and for other people reading this and planning to use this method.