The events for ArcHandles are broken

This is an old bug that needs to be addressed to make it easier to develop tools in-game, or plugins in studio, that use ArcHandles.

These two events are helpful in the other Handles object, because it lets us detect when the user is done interacting with it, and we can fire RemoteEvents or finish up functions accordingly.

archandles.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() --more important of the two
    print'archandles release outside'
    --never prints, unless you release the mouse exactly still inside the little handle circle
    print'archandles leave'
    --never prints, because MouseLeave just throws an error, "Exception caught in TGenericSlotWrapper. Invalid value for enum Axis"

Expected behavior example: (with normal Handles)

    print'handles release outside'
    print'handles leave'

Repro level: (press F5 and try firing the prints in the ArcHandles, and compare with the regular handles) handles archandles repro.rbxl (12.0 KB)


Hah, this was actually the first fix I did when I started. I didn’t ship it because I wasn’t sure how the process worked yet. Maybe I should revisit it.

EDIT: The reality is actually even more amusing. I did fix it for normal axis handles and shipped it, but not for ArcHandles.



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Is this still broken? D: Button1Up isn’t working for ArcHandles if you release out of the circle

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Yep, haven’t had time to ship a fix for it.

Hey it’s been a little over two years and I still see that this error is still present. Anybody ever figure out how to resolve it?

I don’t normally bump old threads but I am still having an issue with this as of January 2020

I should also mention — attempts to replicate this have shown me two things

  1. This only happens with the ArcHandles class, NOT the normal Handles class
  2. The ArcHandles class throws the error shown below when using the MouseLeave event. It also fails to reliably fire the MouseButton1Up event; yielding no output. This does not happen with the Handles class.

22:37:01.321 - Exception caught in TGenericSlotWrapper. Invalid value for enum Axis

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A fix for this is now in the pipe.


I know this is an extremely old post, but it’s worth mentioning- the events still have issues (not sure if they ever were fixed, but based on your response, they once were)

The mouse leaving event for ArcHandles still results in an Invalid value for enum Axis.