The Future of Filtering Enabled: Experimental Mode

I have no strong feelings one way or the other regarding this change.

Iā€™m very happy - no more trashy games on the front page, pretty much (for now)


Itā€™s only a matter of time before some scripting heathen makes an FE compatible tycoon kit.


Is there going to be some sort of indication to let users know that the game is experimental/13+? Because right now there isnā€™t any. And also, shouldnā€™t this be a public announcement? I feel that other developers who arenā€™t in the DevForums should at least be aware of this change.


So games without Filtering enabled will be automatically labelled as in ā€œexperimental modeā€ but we still have no feedback on user-labelled game versions like Alpha, Beta, and Full Release (and possibly Demo)? I completely understand why this will be implemented to help sort out games that are susceptible to exploits, but all this strictness on Filtering Enabled seems very discouraging to developers who donā€™t understand the complex logic of filtered scripting.

EDIT: The purpose of being able to select and publicly display your gameā€™s version would be to keep the game off the Games page (but still playable and/or viewable on your profile) until it achieves full release.


Sadly yes. But this will allow a fresh start for the old circulation of ancient FMs


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Well, itā€™s generally good in other ways too:

  • If models are also categorized via this system it would mean a fresh start for higher quality models to be released (no more FM chaingun)
  • Old stolen places lose their script value
  • Hopefully, newer places will be created by more experienced devs who will make better games

You make a good point. Perhaps this change is for the better.

Not sure if this is related, but all my non-FE games are literally dead ATM (Iā€™m talking 95% player loss). It states that this is going into affect in August, is this true or am I confused?

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Perhaps the karma gods visited you for not using FE :rage:

But actually, perhaps they made that parental control feature of nonFE games hidden an opt out thing

These games are 4+ years old. FE didnā€™t exist and the framework relies on that.

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Yeah was joking :slight_smile: most of my legacy places arenā€™t FE either , refer to addendum to original post

I was under the impression that non-FE games are already hidden for <13, since a relatively short while ago


An important step in the direction of child safety on the platform! :+1: I like everything except the name, as previously mentioned, ā€œExperimental Modeā€ does make it sound more flashy than it should be.

I look forward to hearing more about the updates to this initiative, and I definitely look forward to the well needed Filtering Enabled tutorials on the wiki!


Why not just give games a ā€˜securedā€™ checkmark similar to being verified on other websites like Twitter.
(didnā€™t mean to reply to you)


Depending on how this update evolves, this may be an option. I personally think something like this, or more obvious (just not ā€œexperimental modeā€) may benefit our precious UX statistics, as well serve its purpose.

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Will experimental mode be on by default? It may be confusing to newer players who are following older tutorials such as peasfactory, who donā€™t understand FE

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On MDN, Mozilla uses a little science flask thing to indicate experimental JS features. Perhaps something similar could be added to the image or game page of these experimental games.


This is not part of the first cut of features but is something we may decide to do someday.