The Hunt: Mega Edition: "X" button doesn't do anything

In the block zone, when going through the “Event Settings”, theres a X button for the page which does a sound when clicked on but doesn’t do anything:
I don’t know if this is the only place or way that it occours on

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Bugs related to The Hunt: Mega Edition should be reported through Roblox Support, as mentioned in the Frequent Questions section of the event page.

My report got addressed

The countdown timer on the website was updated, which was the most minor change, and it happened before that event.

So, you probably shouldn’t expect to see a fix for this bug because they said to report bugs through Roblox Support—that’s not even my own words.

Edit: The fact that you’re focusing on everything except what I actually meant here is generally weird overall. The real takeaway was that you shouldn’t report The Hunt: Mega Edition bugs here, but okay.

(post deleted by author)

  1. Countdown in game was updated.
  2. It is NOT a minor change. Some people still got a 1 hour headstart due to games releasing the event an hour early. If the timer was still offset it would’ve resulted in a 2 hour time loss for people who set alarms and such. (Therefore not making the prizes skill based as stated in the event terms)