The hunt mega editon is broken and me and my friend cant progress

So basically, the 4th mega token (the Chained one) is just unobtainable. The place teleport for touching the eye of the giant statue just doesn’t work, and now neither me nor my friend can win the grand prize. We have the first 3 tokens but the teleport just doesn’t work. Please fix this! And just for you know this isn’t client side, I saw other people in the server struggling as well.

Expected behavior

For me and my friend to get teleported to the obby for the mega token when we touch the glowing eye.


You’ve not provided enough information here. Attach screenshots and videos of the issue.

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Roblox generally is not in control here so here is some advise.

  • Have you completed level 1’s challenge and recieved the level 2 badge? If not then that is what you MUST do
  • Have you gone to the eye with a + shape? That is not the eye you are meant to go to so kinda confusing

This is effecting numerous people who meet the requirements.
This does fall on roblox since this is there 1,00,000 dollar challenge that just is impossible for certain users.

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The part that teleports you is part of a giant statue, as well as the entire course.

That happened to me and my sister, all we did to fix it was rejoin and tried it again

As I said, if you follow the steps I’ve listed then it should work. You do need to have completed the level 1 puzzle to access it

I’ve tried rejoining numerous times. none of them worked.

Do you mean the orbs puzzle in the mega token hub?

Yes. You need to make sure that you have completed that and gotten the level 2 badge to continue

I have completed it, but i dont know what you mean by level 2 badge
–Edit: OHHH I SEE! I went through a door and got into block zone.

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Do you have this badge? Block Zone Unlocked - Roblox

You will get it after exploring a bit of level 2 in The Hunt which you need to progress

Just got it. I’m gonna try the portal now.
–Edit: It works now tysm!


Great. That should have been your issue. I’d recommend using Roblox’s party feature with a friend that can do it or someone that has done it. Good Luck!