"The maximum price for this item is 0."/All clothing in group forcefully offsale

Out of curiosity, can we get some info on what went wrong (in the off-chance this issue happens again?)

Edit: Seems like it’s half fixed. I’m no longer getting “maximum price is 0” warnings, however everything I can find that was offsale before is still visually offsale (despite being onsale for 5 robux)

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Hey everyone it seems the issue has been fixed, let me know if it works for you all, but as of today I can finally change prices normally etc.

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Can someone explain to me why this happens? This error never happened to me, more for the creators of clothes in the community :call_me_hand:

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Bug still happening, most items are still appearing as offsale despite being onsale. The bug wasn’t completely resolved, could we get an update on this?

Edit: Bug still happening despite what music_man1996 is saying below me, I just can’t reply to the thread because they locked it a bit too hastily.


Can confirm the max price issue is fully fixed. Thanks again for the report, @cpguy5089.