The nearest enemy detection is not working

the hitbox transparency is set to 0 and i still cant see it

i forgot to mention add this under it

			hitbox.Parent = workspace

add that line of code under the

			hitbox.CFrame = humanoidRootPart.CFrame +, 0, -2)

now i can see it, really, thank you so much. One last question, could i transform this into a hitbox module, and weld it to the parent of the hitbox?

i dont understand well what exactly is that, but if ure asking if u can attach the hitbox part to ur character, then use weld and just keep using that hitbox part in

			local Target, TargetHRP = GetAllEnemiesWithinHitbox(hitbox, humanoid)

whenever u wanna get the target

never mind. Again, thank you so much

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