The Neighborhood of the city

Usually a map of this size takes me about 5 months, but it depends on the details you add and the time you spend on the map

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Stunning scenes, it feels extremely alive! Well done.

your honestly so talented, can I test it out in a game?

I see how noob I am when I see god like buildings like this

hes about to make earth on roblox

I donā€™t think so.

I think clearly I couldnā€™t do that
in short, I suppose it would take a long time to recreate an ā€œEntire Universeā€
But we never lose anything in trying :wink:

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Wow wow wow so much cool! Iā€™m even canā€™t believe how you are made this city so much detailzed and realistic! But iā€™m think what for your games this map will really not optimized for players with not so much powerful PC/Tablet.

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Does this lag?
Robloxā€™s servers will explode like an atomic bomb if you recreate the entire universe

I do not intend to recreate a whole and complete universe on this city map,
Itā€™s a decision to make, but I highly doubt it

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Iā€™m not going to make it public yet, for some reasons, itā€™s more of a personal project, besides, it runs normal to me like any game in Roblox, but Iā€™m not ready to release it, I donā€™t get used to doing that with this type of maps

I love it! it honestly took my words because I havenā€™t seen such an insane well-put build in Roblox. If you can I would love to explore the map and make it into a showcase game.

Amazing use of the new Synty pack!

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At least I believe so but it is interesting to me and it definitely can be used in more scenarios, canā€™t wait to see what you do next!

I am currently working on another new map, but I keep updating this one constantly :wink: