The new API reference seems to have omitted the contents of the GetProductInfo dictionary

Since this information is seemingly no longer presented on the “wiki,” could someone remind me as to the dictionary keys for the following values?

  • Price in Robux
  • Thumbnail

Thank you!



Where is the source to that? Just curious for future cases where the new reference might be lacking.

The old page for GetProductInfo. I used Google’s web cache to read it.

I know this already has a solution, but I just thought you’d like to know that I was told this will be added back at some point

Hey guys! I took a look into it and it seems this was one page that didn’t get migrated. I’ve not only added the content to the devhup API page, but also updated it for 2018 (since the old wiki content had many inaccuracies). Let me know what you think of the page.

Please keep a lookout for other similar pages that may have slipped through the cracks!

EDIT: You might need to hard refresh (CTRL+F5) the page in case your browser has cached the outdated contents!


Thank you! The new page looks great :smiley: