The persons will play a voting simulator?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Hi i recently start looking develeopers for a voting simulator… i was thinking if the players will play it What do u think?

  2. What is the issue? Idk if the players will play it

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far? Make an other tipe of simulator
    PD im spanish so i dont sepak many english


Straight up .Simulators?
ehh its might die really fast because of the updates u should make every week

if u make an Simulator make something different than pets, worlds, Trading , etc.

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hi… is a simulator of vote presidents, the votes u changes for coins and u can buy better backpacks,worlds,skins etc and that but if u were an user u will play it?

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I would not play it because it is a simulator.

Other people might play, but I think the theme of voting for president won’t interest the age-range that mostly play Roblox.

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Hi…Thanks but is the idea i have been studing many… when i was child i interested many in this… Can u give me some ideas for upgrade the game and if u are a builder maybe if u want u can be the builder thanks…

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I am unfortunately not interested in being the builder.

If you wanted my advice, you have 2 options:

  1. if you really want to make a simulator, I would advise dropping the political angle and picking something that is easier for children to understand and that will be more appealing to them (I don’t advise simulators in general but that is a personal dislike more than me saying they are a bad idea).

  2. if you like the political theme, you should drop the simulator part and expand that. There’s lots of fun game ideas to be tried around voting and leadership. Simplifying the concept to a simulator seems like a waste of potential to me.

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hi… i thing making like funny pets and some movimients and when u click the votes is a vote table and the box to vote up is a good idea to children to play?

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You are supposed to do that in #collaboration:recruitment

Well, the player base for simulators are mostly kids. If this is a president voting simulator, well you’ll get a tiny playerbase.

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Se supone que debes hacer eso en #collaboration:recruitment

Bueno, la base de jugadores de los simuladores son en su mayoría niños. Si se trata de un simulador de votación de presidente, obtendrá una pequeña base de jugadores.

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You know I have been interested in the game “Phoenix Wright” and if that would to be remade as an election game then I would definitely play it :slight_smile:

To be honest, simulators are usually boring and repetitive. Unless you want to do something like Beeswarm Simulator, I would suggest against this. Also, could you help me here: I'm Trying To Get Into My Game...But I Can't?

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El idea de votar por presidentes es muy neatido, pero tienes que econtrar el diversion.

Especificamente, que razon tienen los jugadores para jugar tu juego? No tiene que ser un simulador, puedes hacer algo como jugadores votan en differentes cosas que affectan el juego.

Jugadores jugaran esto, si lo haces correcto.


Simulators are generally dying out, and not many players are interested in voting.

It could also be taken down for political reasons if you’re not careful.

thanks… are u scripter?
i think ur ideas are cool and u can be so good in our game…

Podria hacer algo como eso, pero algo como eso se debe encontrar en #collaboration:recruitment o mensages privadas.


For those who don’t understand:

The idea of ​​voting for presidents is very neat, but you have to find the fun.

Specifically, what reason do players have for playing your game? It doesn’t have to be a simulator, you can do something like players vote on different things that affect the game.

Players will play this, if you do it right.

Posted by System502, original post above.


thanks i will tell co owner and we see

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