The possibility of the cancellation of the original dynamic heads happening currently and bringing the original faces back on sale

that will make pged accounts abuse their children


Or they could pack the classic face with the dynamic head its based on? It would seem logical and very user friendly, The heads also use a similar layout out to body packages so it would seem easy to just put the face with it.


Yeah either way, I’d just like for Roblox to allow accessibility for faces, players shouldn’t be forced to use Dynamic Heads if they want people to choose between static or dynamic


it also doesn’t help that some emoticon faces that were turned into dynamic heads literally look the same as their classic counterpart when used in R6.

"Why are we doing this?

  • Our vision is to empower avatars that allow our players to express themselves and communicate with their friends in deeper ways. To enable this, we’re upgrading every face to support face animation."

What do they mean “empower avatars” you don’t need an animated face to communicate with other people