There should be a more private development support category

Ehh the problem I have with this is that there are people like myself who have been around for quite some time and know a lot but still want to ask questions.

I’m not a regular because I haven’t started enough topics but I’m experienced with programming and any questions I ask are probably not going to be for a new member only category.

Not saying that nobody would see it but it would be less likely to receive attention from the most experienced people.

I do understand your position though. Not sure how a compromise would work but I can see the benefits of seperation.


I think this is kind of a good idea. But the process of becoming a Regular is way to hard if something like this would be useful. I know people who have been active for a year. Making posts and comment regularly and is still not a Regular.

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I don’t see the point in this at all? Many new members (now members) are very skilled at development, even more so them some regulars. Most of the time when I get help on the devforum it’s by a New Member. This change would just divide the community for little to no reason.

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I’m late to the conversation, but feel that an automated reputation system could go a long way towards allowing inclusivity, while fostering high quality content.