There should be a wishlist/shopping cart for items on the catalog

As a Roblox user, I would like to buy multiple items in one go rather than; going item by item. I would also like a wishlist because I might forget about the item or show other players how much I want this item.

Shopping Cart

A shopping cart would be useful for players because rather than going through buying clothes and hats individually, there would be a shopping cart where you can add your items into. When a user shops, they would be able to have multiple items in one place and the ability to buy them all in one go. This would also help users that buy items they thought they wanted but don’t want anymore. By looking through the shopping cart they would be able to look through their items and remove items they do not want. Ideally, there would still be a “buy now” button like there is now.

In real life, for example on Amazon I would add all the things in basket that look really nice and then when I go to checkout I would remove all the unwanted items then do a purchase. If I was purchasing one by one it would be really time-consuming like the current situation on roblox. Where I would think about buying the item for a long time and then have like a million tabs then I would have to navigate through all of them to see which item I really like.

This shopping cart page would open new opportunities. I.e promoting original clothing as an ad on the side or promoting games in general!


A wishlist would be useful because I could show my friends and other users what items I want. I also may see an item I want and forget about it later. Furthermore, in the world of trading, this could benefit users because then other users can see what they have in their wishlist . and they would be able to easily trade the items as they will know what the user wants rather than sending some random trade that the user didn’t want!


The shopping cart would be an insanely useful feature. That or a way to bulk buy a group of items at once. i’ve been getting all the free items on the catalog for a while now and only being able to get 2 at a time per minute really REALLY sucks.

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