There's an invisible virus and I can't remove it, it removes my entire workspace everytime I play my game

Can you send us the plugin link

Ok. Can you view the context toolbar like I said before and see if there is anything suspicious or anything that says “Archimedes”, or if there is anything blank? This is strange!

The error tells the ID of the plugin, and it led me to this plugin.

If you have it, try uninstalling it and see if that fixes your problem, otherwise you’ll have to disable each plugin to see which one is causing the problem.

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I’ve created a guide for situations like this, check it out:

It’s quite long, but worth the read. It’s helped the majority of people I’ve directed at it.

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I don’t see anything and now the entire game has been deleted by the script, I reopened roblox studio and everything is gone.

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Oh. Yeah, it’s probably the plugin that Denny sent. Good thing for autosaves!

I will be happy to investigate this for you for free. Please send me a PM here on the DevForum and we can go from there. I will mostly ask questions like “Who had access to your game?”. Please tell me if there is a topic you do not want me to ask about.

I’m pretty sure the malicious people who put backdoors in your game could be punished for their acts.

(also im good at making people crack lol)

Strange since as you say, this is the Archimedes plugin I use as well. It was updated last week but I haven’t used it in that time though.

Yeah it seems as Archimedes was the culprit here, as I reverted the game back and the cloud virus we started out with is gone now. However I don’t think it was Archimedes that did it (for anyone else who is reading this) so it might have been some bug or some other plugin that triggered it, I really don’t know. Thank you for the help.

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Wait I use Archimedes two plugin and that unwelded everything.

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Archimedes doesn’t do this - the source code for my plugin is completely free to view in my inventory (or you can trace the modules through the errors). It doesn’t delete anything except :BreakJoints() and for preview parts that are created with the plugin.

The errors about requiring an asset are due to Archimedes attempting to require external modules (you can view these too), which can’t be done locally (whenever you press play) - Archimedes completely stops working if you get this error, which means that the plugin completely halts running in play mode. The next version of the plugin even allows you to disable this feature if you don’t trust it.

The “cloud” thing is most likely just that plugins are stored on the cloud now, this isn’t an Archimedes specific thing (which is why your other plugin shows up with “cloud” as well).

Need to expand on the point that if you’re getting those errors, Archimedes isn’t even running anymore. You can test this by trying to launch the plugin in play mode - it just won’t work. So if something is changing your game whenever you press play then it can’t really be Archimedes, since… it’s no longer running at that point.

As explained by @Scriptos, his plugin doesn’t remove parts from Workspace, except for preview parts. @2147483647 so why are you marking this as the solution when clearly this is false? You can even view the source code. This could spread undeserved misinformation about Archimedes.

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@Scriptos, I’m by no means a great programmer, but is there any way a malicious plugin can change or add junk to your plugin (or any other plugin) so that errors point to the second plugin giving it a bad name?

I don’t know if I was wording it wrong but what I meant is that by deleting the plugin, it worked, I don’t know why it deleted all my work but nonetheless that was the solution, that’s why I marked it as a solution. There is a reason why I literally said that maybe something else caused it, but for now, deleting the plugin worked.

Okay, so you’re blaming it on Archimedes.

But now it isn’t…? Which one is it? Perhaps you should figure it out before putting blame on an innocent plugin.

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I don’t know how to explain it at this point because everything feels like a confusing mess, the reason in the first statement says it was Archimedes because that was the plugin I removed. But it seems as now I re-installed it and the issue is gone too. So I don’t know if it was some gateway plugin that chose some random plugin to be malicious. I said the second part due to me thinking it might being the thing I said previously.

It would be nice if you can list out all your plugins you have installed, even the ones that are disabled, and show the creator names if you can. That would actually help the most in identifying what was causing the issue.

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