"This endpoint is no longer available" is returning when using new developer product API endpoint

Starting today, we’ve just starting to notice the endpoint https://apis.roblox.com/developer-products/v2/universes/<universeId>/developerproducts?limit=1&cursor=1 starting to return ``This endpoint is no longer available" in it’s requests whenever the deprecation says this the right endpoint to use.

Reproduction Steps


Looks like it just works out of the blue…? I won’t mark this topic as resolved until a roblox engineer sees it and can confirm this is normal to make sure this won’t happen again.

Seems like it is only returned when cursor is set to a number. See: https://apis.roblox.com/developer-products/v2/universes/495693931/developerproducts?limit=1&cursor=1 errors, but https://apis.roblox.com/developer-products/v2/universes/495693931/developerproducts?limit=1 works.


This is how the API is supposed to work. We added some clarification in the original thread on how to use the limit and cursor in the API call.
We are working on improving the error message.