We changed the Zindex and it didn’t change anything
thanks for pointing that out tho.
it is to check if the shop is open and if it is open it will close the shop
Zindex doesn’t change anything that’s parented to a UI will always be in front. However if you tweened a UI
Transparency to 1 with UI children it will make every child to disappear
You are checking that on the open inventory script I think? Unless the 2nd script is the shop open/close script
Just set the parent of all the UI you want to disappear visibility to false you are making life harder for yourself by setting all its children to false/transparency to 1
2nd script is the inventory open script
we dont want the shop and the inventory to be open at the same time so if a player clicks to open the inventory it checks to see if the shop is open and closes it before the inventory opens.
The problem is that the script doesn’t detect the button being pressed. It has NOTHING to do with the visibility of any of the UI.
The 2nd script is the inventory opening script, which checks if the shop is open or closed, and if it is open, then it will close the shop before opening the inventory.
The reason we’ve done the script the way we have, is because we want it to fade out before closing completely.
The Scripter
When you start opening added windows to a GUI, you might be losing focus on the main window.
Try clicking the button twice … if it then works, that is your problem.
You can check if the shop uis visibility is on/off instead of a bool
Clicking the button twice still doesn’t work, we have already tried that.
Instead of checking the shop UIs value check the visibility so
if shopUI.Visible then return end
Hmm … Sounds like a layer problem to me. Hard to say without being able to look at it. Good luck!
Check the visibility of shopUI and please just set the parent of all UI you want to be non visible visibility to false so it’s easier to read
If it is why can’t he just set the parent of all of the uis to false since it would make every children not visible (If it is a layer problem)
One last thought (because I hate getting defeated). When you make a frame then add a button into that frame, then other frames in the GUI … if the invisible part of the frame is overlapping the button, It tends to cut off access to what’s underneath it.
It’s been checked if the button is somehow underneath one of the other gui assets but it doesn’t overlap with the others, and the exit button is always on top of the main frame.
Just set the parent of the uis you want to be invisible to false?
Just to see if it works in general if that works tween transparency of parent like you wanted
this isnt a visibility issue our tweens work… its a click detection issue.
we dont want the ui to just disappear we wanted it to fade… which the fade works
just not the exit button
So if you put a print in the line before return local function it doesn’t print?