This man has made over 200k+ Robux by making this malicious script that inserts a (fake?) 50R$ admin command into infected games

Yes I’m absolutely sure because the script has no scroll bars it’s literally a blank script named Debounce inside a part that I have no idea how it got there. Also I can’t revert to an old version because I have no clue how long it’s been like this until I finally tested the game for a while, this is what my version history looks like:

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Did you find anything? I tried to search what you wrote and it showed nothing for me…

No its not a product Id, it a module script Id, why not just delete that script.

How do I find that module script id though?

@sjr04 linked it in his post above.

I got the model, it looks like this

How do I decompile that

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Also I did delete the script and nothing happened, the marketplace admin pop up still comes

Did you delete the other one?The search results that you posted found two.

Yes that was the same script with the one I deleted

I would try to print what it says in there.

This may be an off-topic question but is this allowed or not on Roblox? Are they allowed to insert a script like this into an infected asset.

EDIT: It’s not like I want to do it myself, just curious.

It shouldn’t be, I still can’t get rid of it. I researched and saw that ThirdPartySales is a broken feature…

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it might be bytecoded? like


try searching

I suggest making LoadStringEnabled property disabled if it is not already, also don’t just check your roblox plugins I suggest checking your plugins folder.

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I Recommend If You Have Dev Product/Gamepass Scripts Check Them First (Check Their ID)
And When They Should Pop-up.
Thanks Nehoray.

Your best bet is to just report the group and let him lose all the Robux when it gets deleted. There’s not much he can do with the Robux anyways because if he tried to DevEx it then he would without a doubt be caught in the act since all DevEx requests are investigated first.

If it is in your game, Ctrl+Shift+F and search up “MarketplaceService”, “getfenv”, “require”, etc. and the backdoor should show up in one of your scripts.

[UPDATE] I decided to reinsert all my scripts and parts into a new game and apparently the admin pop up virus is gone, no clue what happened but I checked the dude’s group now and he now has 335K+ Robux in his group funds, and I’m assuming his main account posted a group shout claiming “we don’t scam”… so there’s that


WOW! The guy who made the group now has over 450k group funds.
Is what he is doing on roblox bannable?
Muwls :smiley:

Under my understanding I consider it as scamming and exploiting people, since they offer a service but do not provide it.

It should be punished.

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