This UserInputService page is useless

It doesn’t link to any relevant information and it doesn’t explain anything. It’s just an arbitrary block of code.

That’s a code sample page. I think you were looking for the API reference page, they serve different purposes:

I don’t think the point of the code sample page is to have more than a few code samples (although it could have more than just the one listed). The API reference is intended for advanced developers, code samples is mostly just for people who are exploring / starting out with development.

EDIT: I’m not saying the page has enough content, for the record. It should be improved still with more samples.

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I got this page trying to look for the actual API reference for UserInputService. The page should at the very least LINK to the api reference. It took me 3 tries with the devhub search to even get to the api reference page. This page is the top page to show up when you search UserInputService

I’m about to make another thread even even further frustrations


Yeah it’s unfortunate that a lot of these pages are named the same, way too hard to distinguish one from the other:


They should probably be named more elaborately so they’re easier to pick out from the search list based on which info is desired

This is probably some fault of the automated migration.
These kinks will get ironed out over time, and I appreciate you guys bringing them to the attention of IX.

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