Thoughts on my recent thumbnail?

Hello, everyone.

Recently, I made a thumbnail for Zombie Task Force and tried out a ‘diagonal split’ to demonstrate their two new modes within the game. I would be interested in hearing what your thoughts are on this style as I personally haven’t seen it been done yet in other games.

The thumbnail

Thanks for reading!


Very nice indeed! Good job! Think it shows the new game modes very well!

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Very Cool! It fits the game modes very well and think that the realistic design of them looks great!

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Was this made in blender, otherwise great job!


This looks absolutely insane! Keep up!


Could i ask what are your prices for the thumbnails? They look sick! :fire:


The thumbnail is so cool!!! Woah! :smiley:

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Looks amazing. What do you use for the gun effect?


Yes, it was. Thanks for your kind words.

All of my prices can be found on my portfolio: CODA | Experienced GFX Designer [Medieval/Fantasy/Sci-Fi] | OPEN. Thanks!

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Thanks! Google ‘muzzle flash vector’, download the best variation and blend it into your scene.


Looks great! Since thumbnails are smaller, I would just increase the size of the text for the different modes but if it’s for the slideshow on the game’s actual page then there’s no problem whatsoever.

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The lighting is nice and it is overall well done, but the composition needs some work. It doesn’t follow any composition rule and it is hard to keep track of the scene and it is not directing your eyes anywhere.

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It looks very good and really appealing, just get it to the right audience and it’ll be a booming game!

I think, you are thinking of the game icons, that are 500x500 px (i believe?). But I’m pretty sure, that he means the thumbnail, so the big preview when you are on the game’s page.