Thoughts on one of my first models?

Hey, I’m fairly new to modelling and had a go at modelling something that I’d see on the street in the UK. I’ve attached a picture of the model I made and the reference I used.

I didn’t use any meshes for it, I don’t have much of a clue with blender lol, I can only do really basic shapes with it. Anyway, if you have any improvements I could make please reply below


What is the object supposed to be, maybe we can tell you some details to add that the picture left out? Even though it’s a real picture, you can be creative. :wink:


There is a logo on the bottom in the real picture, maybe in the model, instead of putting H put F. That’s your name so you basically have your name on the model, so if anyone takes it, you would have credit for making it.


The #development-support:scripting-support category is intended for receiving technical help scripting on the platform, not showing off your creations.

If you’re looking for suggestions or constructive criticism, I’d recommend you move your post to the #development-support:building-support category or “what are you working on” thread.

It’s a pretty cool creation nonetheless :+1: .


Sorry, I could’ve sworn I put it in the correct category. I’ve changed it now - sorry :man_facepalming:

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I should do that, and I know it wasn’t creative. I just thought it would be a somewhat challenging shape without being too difficult. I could also try adding the bolts along the bottom. They’re used to guide cars to the right side of the road, I’ve attached another picture which should help visualise this.

. If you have any other ideas of what I could try next as well that would be really useful

You could probably add the direction in words. You light be confused, so here is a really bad picture of what I mean:

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Yeah, I get what you mean. It’s a bit like the no entry sight that is a red circle with a white box inside. It has no meaning unless you actually know what it means


I could try to add something like that but I only really built it to practice making shapes. I’ll try and think of something more interesting to try next - thanks for your feedback :grinning:

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Congratulations on your build. You have captured both the shape and the colours of the ‘keep left’ bollard very well indeed. I particularly like how you have constructed the domed top of the bollard and how you have blended the curved upper edges of the faces into the top. This is a very impressive construction. Well done.


Thanks, I was actually very proud of it when it was finished. I’ll try something more exciting for my next attempt lol

It looks fairly accurate and very nice. I cannot believe this is one of your first models. Wish you good luck for your future models!


How did you make the curves, if you don’t mind telling.

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Not at all, I got the edges bevelled by just using parts like this:

The top was done by negating a sphere into another sphere to get a concave shape:

And then I just negated that and unioned it with the top to get the rounded face

Thanks. It wasn’t my very first, one of my first. I made a couple before playing around with unions and stuff but nothing that represented anything.

Woah! That’s a lot of negativeparts! Thanks for the tutorial!

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Thank you for explaining how you achieved the top surface of the bollard. I am very impressed by the method that you used, considering that you did this for your first build. That was an insightful way of achieving the shape that you needed. If you can build to such a high standard for your first build just think what you can achieve next!

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For a replication of a sign, it’s very good in comparison to the real photo. But as @ScytheSlayin said, you can be a little creative.

But nonetheless, it’s really good! :smile:

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Just as a recommendation, you may want to go into your Studio settings, click the Rendering tab, and increase the quality so you can get some anti-aliasing. This will make things look nicer when you show it off for feedback.


Make the yellow texture diamond plate. It might add a bit of a detail to it.