Tic tac Toe Game not working as intended?

Where are they cloning to? Is it always the same spot?

suppose to clone to where i am clicking aka the Click Detector.

No like where are they cloning to, not where you are trying to clone it to.

oh so using the cloned copy i messed that up lol

OP, this is beside the point, but you should not be using SetPrimaryPartCFrame. It is deprecated.
Use GetPivot and PivotTo instead.

thx. i’m used to the old coding and i’m not up to date. i’ve been using wait() instead of task.wait() at times before lol

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?? Where is the cloned copy going vs where you want it to go???

oh idk now cause it should be using the cloned X and O and yea they aren’t cloning to anywhere really it’s suppose to use the cloned copy of them and it’s just not doing anything with the cloned copy really

it’s suppose to place the cloned copies to where i clicked on aka the clickDetectors i added

Are you parenting the cloned copies?
Nevermind, see my reply

Nevermind, I didn’t see the Cell parenting line in @BoredHelperDEV’s contribution. Are your models:

a) anchored?
b) properly being moved to a Parent that exists in Workspace?
c) not being deleted?

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not sure how to use the pairs method to gather the Buttons i’m clicking on and then to move the X and O to where the ClickDetector i clicked on is.

i always thought that was my issue but i’m just not sure how to use ipairs and such

Just loop over every ClickDetector and bind it to its clicked event.

for _, Click in pairs(ClickHereButtons:GetChildren()) do -- Iterate through every immediate child of ClickHereButtons
  local ClickDetector = Click:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector") -- Get the ClickDetector from this instance of ClickHereToPlace
  ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function() -- Bind this specific ClickDetector's MouseClick event to a function

i’m going to claim that as solution cause, i always from the start of making the script always had an issue with gathering the ClickDetectors i’m clicking on so i feel like most likely that was the problem since it was the issue from the start and everything does seem to work as should it’s just not Moving the X and O to where i clicked on aka the ClickDetectors i’m clicking on.

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