Ticket machine and pass


How do I script a ticket machine? Like main screen could be “Touch” then purchasing any tickets (not keeping permanently).

Ex: An player, has died/re-joined server must buy ticket again. As well, I would like to script pass which is permanently when an player buys from store’s game.

Use datastore or a variable to store that.

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How do I do that? Like example, adding part, then GUI and having a click button to touch.

I would suggest watching a tutorial for it since, I am also not really good at scripting. I am very new to it.

Please do not ask for forum members to write you a script. The DevForum is a resource, not a machine to give you exactly what you want. It’s often you will not get what you are exactly looking for and that is why people make new posts. Many developers on this forum discourage spoon feeding new developers as it does not help them learn.

For example, there are some posts that answer specific questions you asked for.
Making a GUI shop
Gamepasses and tools

If they are not specifically on the forum then they can be on the Developer API.
RemoteEvents (for the GUI)
Intro to Tools

Please make sure you have a general grasp of what you are trying to do before asking a question on the forums.

Okay, sorry but it’s my habbit asking on forums. :stuck_out_tongue:

Asking the forums for help / advice / feedback is fine and it’s not a terrible habit . Asking the forums to do something for you or being entirely reliant on the forum is discouraged.

I wasn’t asking for full script, I only asked for help.