TimeModule - Reverse and speed up/slow down time with ease

I was wondering, is there any way to make the module work with cars?

Cars seem to work fine for me, are you using a particular chassis or anything?

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I tried using the roblox standard motorcycle and a car with A-Chassis.

Whoa this is so cool resource!

It is awesome and some of the bugs have been ironed out but there is still the bug of that it will revert to its reversed state after being reversed.

i actually saw this on twitter, and it was awesome! I cant wait to make a game with this! Do you require credit for this module?

I love this :smiley: I’m probably gonna use it for my side-project (Time God boi) and my Gauntlet game (For the Time Stone).


this could be used in super power games or anime based games. so player could have “reverse time” super power and when he has enough stamina animation fires cutscenes shows everything becomes black and white and goes back in time. it would be shown for every player in-game

I’m working on a game that is a soon-to-be open sourced game, with Chronos: The God of Time, and TTC (Tick Tock Clock). I’m using the reverse time model for it (I’ll make sure to credit his username and model in the script of “README”)

thanks, but i don’t really need help with it.

oh nice i now can make a bites the dust sequence haha


Not sure if I missed something but for some reason it does not work. Changing the number on :SetTime() does not effect anything either. What could be the issue?


local timeModule = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TimeModule)


for _,v in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do

if v:IsA('BasePart') then






while true do

The problem is that you’re reversing right after tracking the objects, when there are no positions to iterate through.

Try placing the while loop in a coroutine, and calling Reverse() a few seconds after. You should also do game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild('TimeModule') instead of directly indexing since things don’t replicate instantly.

I recommend you DM me or go to #help-and-feedback:scripting-support if you want help with your scripts, to abide by the devforum rules. Good luck!

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Hello! I got a question, i’m doing a game, and I’m wondering if this module could cause some major lag on the players?

Hello! Sorry for bumping, I only need to say that I got a pretty big problem.

On this template, of the Cloth, how would I fix that?

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to be honest, this is just great!.

also one question, how can i make that only the player char get reversed and not the other parts?

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Hello there!

I’ve stumbled acrossed your module and I got to say, it’s pretty easy to actually reverse time whatever you wish, the only issue is that I am wondering how you can stop reversing time when a certain thing happens such as stopping in a certain position. How can I do this? Thanks in Advance.

IIRC, Properties such as Position and AssemblyLinearVelocity don’t actually fire their changed signals unless the property is set through Lua, and not the engine itself.

The engine essentially does a “Soft Update” (I don’t know if there is an actual name for this) that doesn’t fire any events related to a Part changing. If you were to update the Position through a Lua script though, events would behave normally.

So ideally, you would only add the Part to the table if the position has changed since the last recorded tick. You wouldn’t be able to use PropertyChangedSignal. My guess is they did this for performance reasons.


The script doesn’t work for some reason and there are no errors; will the script work if it’s done by the server?

How about velocity’s for slowing/speeding up time?
You can multiply the velocity to make it slower or faster.
I think you do need to check if it’s already been slowed or sped up before and then calculate the multiplication backwards. EDIT: I meant with multiplication backwards with calculating the velocity multiplication backwards so the module knows the Original Velocity what would be used and then multiply that