Timer Plugin by Rekotora3349

Well yeah, but do you want like a color changer?


It works, that’s all that matters, as your first resource it’s fine.
Good job!


  • boolvalue “TimerOn” is true by default, that’s why you have to click twice to start the timer, change it to false to get magic fix
  • If you are going to make a color changer I recommend making it match the letters as well.

Make a font changer, it would be the best.

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It is false

Going to note it down.

you know I think a while back a plugin just like this was made, and you commented the same thing, I just forgot where that was

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oh yeah

about that one, do you mean this?

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Wouldn’t it be great if we had this externally builtin to windows

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The built-in timer deselects the Roblox Studio Window upon interaction with it.

Second reason I did the plugin.

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Customizing Update

What′s new?
Added “Customize” Button.
Added the availibility to change color and font of your timer.

Bug fixes
Fixed the bug of need to press the button two times in order to use the timer.

How can I update?
  1. Go to Manage Plugins.

  2. Find the timer.

  3. Press the button that says update.

Thank god bro, your the best, now you just have to work on the ui!

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Whats new?
Added Version Display.
Added a Customize Frame Gradient Background Color Setting.

Fixed the clipping in the Font Selection Frame.

Removed UiGradient From Text.


On 9/16/2023 (16.9.2023), the plugin was updated and brought you a fix on the DockWidgetGui itself. It got a Name.

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This plugin will (hopefully temporarly) not be updated, as I lost the file of the timer.

So what happened?

My 3 year old computers BIOS died. I fixed a 13-year old pc, so I can access the ROBLOX services.

The file with the timer is stuck in the broken computer, so before it will be fixed, I will use the 13-year old computer, that its worse than the Roblox minimal specs…

You can install the file of the timer if you have BTRoblox

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Move the SSD or Harddrive from the old computer to the new one. You can also use game:GetObjects(id)[1] to retrieve the code to a free plugin.

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HOTFIX v1.1.2
Support for low-end devices (Reworked Script)

Reworked script, now if you expierience lag, the timer catches up with the time.


My computer isnt still fixed. Thanks to @VSCPlays for introducing me to BTRRoblox.

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HOTFIX v1.1.2a
This hotfix fixes random acceleration of the timer. It should work as intended now.
Temporalily disabled plugin because it is not working as intended, please remain patient until I resolve the issue.

HOTFIX v1.1.2b

Returned to previous script and polished it, so it will suit the low-end machines.

Whats new?

  • Added the opinion to change the border color on the buttons.

UPDATE v1.2.0

Whats new?

  • Added 3 Languages:
    • English (Human Translated)
    • Slovak (Human Translated)
    • Arab (Machine translated)
  • Added setting to change languages

Fell free to suggest new languages or suggest fixes on my typos.