Hi, I thought I’d share this to help anybody who had the same problem as me, which was that when a part that is a value of an ObjectValue is destroyed, ObjectValue.Value does not become nil.
So, as an example, if you run this code, it’ll print “part exists,” even though part has been destroyed
local part=Instance.new("Part")
local objVal=Instance.new("ObjectValue")
if objVal.Value~= nil then
print("part exists")
print("part does not exist")
A solution is to, instead of checking if the value is nil, check if the value is a descendant of workspace (or whatever it should be a descendant of)
Here is the example, but using the solution:
local part=Instance.new("Part")
local objVal=Instance.new("ObjectValue")
if objVal.Value:IsDescendantOf(game.Workspace) then
print("part exists")
print("part does not exist")
Anyway, I hope this saves somebody’s time. I know there are other solutions that will work in more situations (like if the part is moved from Workspace to ServerStorage), but this one still has it’s place.
local Part=Instance.new("Part",workspace);
local ObjectValue=Instance.new("ObjectValue");
print(if ObjectValue.Value.Parent~=nil then "Part exists" else "Part does not exist");
This isn’t reliable; you can’t know when an instance is destroyed simply by checking the presence of a parent. The instance could have been temporarily moved out of the data-model by the developer. The only in-line check you can make for an instance’s destruction is through a function that attempts to set its parent. A destroyed instance’s parent property will be locked, so this attempt will raise an error:
local function isDestroyed(instance: Instance): boolean
if instance.Parent then
return false
return not pcall(function()
instance.Parent = instance.Parent
There are several reasons why you should prefabricate over using Instance.new
Prefabrication in the context of Roblox scripting refers to the process of creating assets prior to runtime (outside of a script). This means that you would configure and organize the stats folder in Roblox Studio. The advantages of this are as follows:
Bulk removal of boilerplate code.
Ease of configuration; changing the initial state of your values, (re)organization, removing, and adding values is made easier.
Visualization. You can better visualize the structure of your stats folder.
Elimination of early-deployment. I won’t bother explaining the negative effects of early deployment as this article posted by a Roblox engineer covers them well. The image attached below also covers some benchmarks regarding deployment methods.
TL;DR: An asset should not be made a descendant of game until it and its descendants have been fully configured. Many Roblox developers do not do this, and it’s only tedious to go back and tweak the bulk boilerplate code. The associated problems are solved as a latent function of prefabrication
I’m pretty sure this prints for a little bit because the part is queued for garbage collection. Destroyed instances aren’t immediately cleared from references.