To clarify with text filtering

The “context aware” chat filter would likely backfire there. And the thing is, I don’t have a limit on file saves because I’ve figured the data storage out so efficiently in my game it’s not a problem at all

So after playing my game for a long time and amassing a lot of saves, players are going to have to wait longer and longer to be able to access their saves. Roblox is so annoying sometimes


If only we could pass multiple strings to that one function at a time cough cough feature request cough cough


If only we didnt have to filter text that a player themself wrote that will only be visible to them


Only visible to them? Pretty sure you can leave it unfiltered then.

I might just do that but I don’t want roblox to take my game down for a month to “investigate” and then email me ransom demands for my game to go back up


After reading on in the wiki article, this is said:

An important caveat of this exception is when retrieving stored messages. The automated checks that Roblox does to detect if filtering is being done correctly knows to ignore text that was typed into TextBoxes, but only in the same session that the TextBox was used. If a player’s text is saved and then is retrieved later when the player rejoins the game, that saved text needs to be filtered before it is displayed to anyone, including the player who wrote it.

So oof. Sry.

Which is completely confusing because I’ve seen posts on this forum from multiple admins saying that you don’t need to filter the string from the player themselves if they’re writing it, because they obviously know what they wrote.

Edit: Doesn’t apply to saved text though, apparently. Even if that player is going to be the only one to see it. That doesn’t make much sense but okay. I understand the need to refilter after fetching the data, in case the system was updated, but I’m at a lost for the need to filter text that only that client will ever see.

Edit #2: From what I can tell, it’s to prevent the game owner from gathering sensitive information from their players, such as their addresses.

I don’t see how that could even help in that regard considering an owner can send all unfiltered text straight to a web server using http service

If you’re collecting and exporting unfiltered user info from a game exploitatively and we catch you… RIP. We’ll make it hurt.

The exception on unfiltered text from the same player only in the same session is an affordance we make for your sanity. Input boxes obviously. We don’t want you to be paranoid about using TextBoxes. I occasionally have people ask me if they’ll get in trouble for having a TextBox in their game. You won’t.

Parent’s over the shoulder is something we unfortunately need to consider to a degree too. If you just typed something bad in chat and the system parroted it back to you in an acceptable way it looks bad on us, but that’s on you as a foul-mouthed user. We’d rather not have them look over your shoulder and see a user-set description/building/pet called “My F-g House” or whatnot that you set.


This is coming from a thread of a person sending data to google sheets.

That’s what TextService/TextFilterResult:GetNonChatForUserAsnyc is for now. If you are sending the user input outside of Roblox for a Discord hook or something we would ask you to filter it first.

Maybe exempting something like a straight data-store replacement where the normal guidance for saving player info for retrieval later should apply.


So just to clarify, I should be filtering every save name when the player rejoins?


AlexNewtron has a really good example of this with Meep names now, which are filtered in the background when you rejoin. If the name is now filtered he offers you a chance to rename it for free. Good example of a good user experience around this.

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Ok thanks for clarifying. I guess I’ll probably end up doing something where it creates all of the textbuttons instantly with their dates and filesizes while leaving the save name blank until they’re retroactively approved or something

You could possibly create a selection menu with a wide variety of name combinations that the players can select from. I’d think that would prevent the need for filtering, seeing as the player themselves aren’t entering the text but rather are selecting a combination from a list. I’d just go with the filtering, but it is an option.

Woo I implemented it, it wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be, though I still have concerns.

My whole game is now up to specs with roblox’s privacy rules and content filtering, and ready for launch :sunglasses:

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What on earth is going on with this thread, my I keep getting notifications from things that happened 5 hours ago

Do you know when this will support offline users? I want to reduce the impact of
GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync() on feedback I send to personal webservers. Also, that method name literally fuels my nightmares lol.


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That happens, nothing we can do about it.
However, just to make sure you’re using the filter as leniently as it let’s itself go, whats your code for text filtering atm?