Toggling leaderboard visibility forces selection (Xbox)

My intro gui hides the player list and then brings it back up when you press A to start the game. The problem is, the player is automatically selected on the leaderboard - thus disabling all input, despite this:

game.GuiService.AutoSelectGuiEnabled = false game.GuiService.GuiNavigationEnabled = false

You end up needing to press select to close the leaderboard and continue playing. It happens every time and it’s very disorienting.

Yes, me too. Thought I was doing something wrong. Realised it’s not on my end.

I replaced the leaderboard with a custom one after I saw this bug. >:

Bump of importance.
Just need to know if this is being fixed soon.

Xbox uses a different playerlist, and this behavior does not happen on Xbox. However, this is a bug for gamepads on PC so we’ll get it fixed.

Just wanted to give you an update that this has been fixed (Thanks Ben!). If you want to check it out you can get the lastest CoreScripts over at You can then override the CoreScripts in studio with these. If you don’t know how to do that (or how to use Git), PM me and I’ll help you out. The fix will go out to production in next weeks update.

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