Tool not activating no matter what i do

yeah that will probably fix it, not sure what the issue is here. but it works for us

Delete the tool and create a new one with the exact same code presented.

ive tried that twenty times, no difference

Is it in StarterPack?

tools don’t need to be in starterpack to work, as seen in the place file picking it up off the ground and activating the tool works just fine

just unsure why it isn’t working for OP

I am currently updating as well as reinstalling, ill update ya if it works

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I am aware, I was just asking. I suppose that wasn’t a good question.

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Broken output window. Do you have filters on the output window? All messages and contexts selected?


The output seems fine, other scripts show errors when present

OP stated that the tools were working before but broke a few hours later.

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Just tried updating, and reinstalling, still isnt working :frowning:

Copy and paste this code into your tool after you reinstall studio:

local Tool = script.Parent

     print("Hello world!")

This is just to see if it works.

what :flushed:
can u perhaps show us a video of you activating the tool with the output open?
also if u have a controller plugged in to your computer take it out and see if that works

You are missing a ‘)’. He tried that many times anyway.

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Just edited it, thanks. :sweat_smile:

Maybe try on another device on your account and see if there is any change.

Wrong person?

Yea accidentaly replied to you

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Here it is, also yk what all these errors are, ive been suffering with them in every game for months aswell

heres google drive bc file too big :frowning:

all the errors from plugins it looks like. maybe they are interfering with mouse inputs?

i would uninstall all of your plugins and restart studio and see if it works after that. perhaps one of them could be backdoored and messing everything up too