maybe place the script in ServerScriptService instead, and mention the part that players will touch like this:
local part = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("") -- name of part
(i dont think this will work, try the below method)
maybe place the script in ServerScriptService instead, and mention the part that players will touch like this:
local part = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("") -- name of part
(i dont think this will work, try the below method)
or maybe just have the full tool inside of workspace, and then clone that same tool in workspace when a player will touch the specific part of the tool (and have the script inside of the specific part of the tool you want to player to touch)
Not true, it’s just that scripts don’t run in ReplicatedStorage. It’s sufficient enough as a storage, though personally I wouldn’t store tools in ReplicatedStorage because the client doesn’t have a reason to be interacting directly with the tools until they are added to the backpack.
For reference, just to try and repro this anyway, I also tried to get a Tool from ReplicatedStorage over to my backpack and the tool worked as intended. See below for the tool in my backpack (I was too lazy to add a Handle so it’s a tool without a handle and RequiresHandle off) and the output for the prints coming from the LocalScript firing a RemoteEvent for the server to print something.
OP isn’t providing enough detail to know why specifically their tool doesn’t work. Repro file if you want to observe this behaviour yourself: ToolCloneRepro.rbxl (29.7 KB)
Remember to do your research and testing before replying!