Tools getting disabled for multiple players

For some reason my script for my jail disables all players tools, I only want it to disable it for the player who touches the part. Is there any way to fix this?


It looks like you are using a localscript for this, this happens because you are not verifying who touched the part, so it thinks that everyone should be affected

A great post was made about this issue and how to remedy it

Basically you need at least some sort of verification to make it work, example

local part = script.Parent

    part.Transparency = 1

Here still will make it invisible for everyone if one person touches it, but if we do

local part = script.Parent

local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

	if not plr.Character or not hit:IsDescendantOf(plr.Character) then return end
    part.Transparency = 1

This does work for the player who touches it but not everyone else because we verified who touched it


Where would I put this in my script?

I gave you a brief way to verify touches, you have to change it around for your code

I was looking for this in my game, I appreciate the help!
Works well! :smiley:

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Glad I could help out another person whilst trying to help another haha!

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So, if I am doing this right, would it work?


Yes, but you forgot to write hit in the function()

I edited it, should it work now?

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Yes, should work, try it out and see how it goes!

Thank you so much, it works perfectly!

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Anytime! if you have anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!