Top Selling Dynamic Heads are stolen assets

Oh, thanks for clarifying. Yes, definitely a massive inconsistency here but maybe something has been tweaked internally that’s caused them to start accepting these. Or it could be just coincidence—who knows. Hopefully this helps open the floodgates and more moderators begin opening their eyes to the reality, which is that this is simply a sneaky tactic used to evade moderation.

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We forgot to include that most of the “Dynamic” faces arent dynamic. UGC creators cant read the rules where dynamic head should be dynamic in (other words the head should be able to blink, open jaw, express itself).

for static heads it should be uploaded as head accessories since you dont need any facial functionality.

I have been scammed on my main lot of times because this issue

I’m returning here to report that the items in the screenshot posted by the original poster that violated the rules have been officially deleted.

From left to right, top row to bottom row: Umbrella Head Black, Heart Head Recolorable, Heart Head (Recolorable), Heart Head Black, Headless Reverse (Recolorable), Super Super Happy Face Cheeks, Flying Half Head, Super Super Happy Face Cheeks, Black Heart Head, Star Head (Recolorable), and Headless bundles. I have also confirmed their deletion just now.


This is a great step in the right direction for UGC.

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So far, I already found 2 copies of items with one being a “high” variant of the face

Name is racist as well as it being a copy - Trouble Chinese 2.0
The “high” vampire epic face - Epic Tired Vampire

I think this is another case where Roblox doesn’t take action unless it’s an exact replica unfortunately, though these do 100% ripoff parts of other faces. You should link these two in your post, maybe a moderator will see it


Added the links and also reported them on the website. This major problem is really bad and I spend an hour or two every day (split up across the whole day) just checking the recently published to report them before there are any large amounts of purchases

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I wanted to see the amount of it is on the front page or in the categories without other filters.

Here is a list of users that are actively selling UGC copies/edits:

And here are groups doing the same thing:

This was all found on the front page without having to even search anything. I had to stop myself as the list would just keep adding up :confused:


ugc was in fact, a mistake


I don’t think UGC in itself was a mistake. If it was properly gatekept to applications that are actively looked at then it would be a lot better and would be less cluttered


I think this issue is solved since these ripoffs and many others have since been deleted.

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