[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

What do you mean by this?

Do you want hide a CoreGui, Fame, Screen Gui, etc?

I want to make a button that hides 2 of the icons (top bar icons).
I guess its kind of a frame but since its a topbar icon I dont know if its possible.

When I say topbar icon, I mean I made an icon out of this module, and I want to make a button that hides 2 of the icons, so players can decide if to view them.

icon:setEnabled(false) should do the trick:

It wont work for me… I’m trying to connect it into a text button and it wont work

edit: nvm, I figured it out.

Hey so I keep getting this error after I reset in game. I have the button tween a UI, if you reset it will throw these errors. Before you reset tho it works fine, which is weird. Here’s the error

And here is the code for the icon:

Anyone know why?


Your GUIs likely have ResetOnSpawn set to true (while the icon constructor localscripts located in StarterPlayerScripts don’t reset).

You can solve this two ways:

  1. Set all the GUIs ResetOnSpawn property to false

  2. Or move the icon constructor code within a GUI that resets on spawn then put the following code at the very bottom of your icon creation localscript:

local icons = IconController.getIcons()
for _, icon in pairs(icons) do

Yep that’s what I was thinking too, I can just set it to off. Thanks for the help bro.

Hello, I had a question. How can I deselect a button when I select it?

For example: I made a DropDown button and I add some stuff in it. If I click on one of the buttons the DropDown will be disabled and the one which I selected will be deselected.

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Is there a way I can stop my dropdown from clipping through the chat GUI, would I have to disable default topbar and create my own chat button?


Is it overwriting the chat button? If it is well I guess you gotta wait until devs fix it or you gotta make new chat button

It’s not the button it’s that my dropdown clips through the chat GUI

Icon:deselect should do the trick when combined with the selected event:

local dropdownIcon = ... -- Create dropdown icon

-- Then for all your icons within the dropdown do
icon:bindEvent("selected", function()

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The dropdown should appear in front of the chat:

Do you want to completely hide the chat menu when your dropdown is toggled?

If so you can do this:

local originalChatState = true
	:bindEvent("selected", function(icon)
		originalChatState = game:GetService("StarterGui"):GetCore("ChatActive")
		game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ChatActive", false)
	:bindEvent("deselected", function(icon)
		game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ChatActive", originalChatState)

We appear to have a dropdownHidePlayerlistOnOverlap setting although not one for the chat menu so I’ll add this to the to-do list. This means when released you could do the following as an alternative:

icon:set("dropdownHideChatOnOverlap", true)

Ok thanks! I can’t wait for this update!

I am totally bookmarking this! Looks amazing!

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Hello, my game has HD admin, the HD admin button has a blue gradient, but the other buttons of the topBar have the default theme, how do I make the HD admin button black and white?


I want the HD admin button to look something like TTD 3:



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Hi there, HD Admin should be merging with whatever theme the game uses so it sounds like a small bug with that.

What version of TopbarPlus are you using for TTD 3? (there should be a module within the Icon folder called VERSION, if not its v2.3 or below).


oh, it was my mistake, there is no bug I could already fix it. Thank you!
PS: I don’t work for TTD, it was just an example lol


Heyo, it looks like disableStateOverlay doesn’t function as intended, the shade effect is still enabled even after being disabled using icon:disableStateOverlay(true)

Hi, doing playIcon:disableStatOverlay(true) appears to work fine:

Is that the desired result? If so, can you provide more details on how you reproduce it (your icon constructor code, uncopylocked place, etc) / what you want it to look like, and I’ll look at fixing it asap.

(I may not be able to get back until the end of the month as I’m going away shortly)

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