[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

Wow, thank you so much, had no idea this was a thing!


No problem. Sometimes developers doesn’t know that a feature that can change the entire coding exists, it’s pretty common for that to happen. :slight_smile:

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Is there any bugs? should I use this or other?

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No this is a great module, but at the moment it doesn’t look good with Roblox’s new topbar.

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You should be more specific on which bug you’re talking about.

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Yeah but soon the module will probably update. Also fun fact is that someone already made a theme for TopbarPlus remaking the new roblox topbar UI, it looks pretty good!
There’s only one bug tho, for some reason when i tried it, my icons images weren’t showing up.

TopbarPlus won’t be receiving any future updates from Ben.


Aw man that’s unfortunate actually. :frowning:

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I’ve already worked on a new module which replicates the topbar 1:1 and doesn’t have a bunch of useless features. Watchout for the release.


Text icons,
Context menus,
and tooltips

Which are all 1:1 with the new GUI


Nah Didn’t help for now
I need to detect then button is selected and then deselect

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If you want to make it so that it detects when the buttons is selected, you should use:
yourIconName:bindEvent("selected", function()
and then for deselecting:
yourIconName:bindEvent("deselected", function()

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That sounds awesome. I’ll be on the lookout for it.

That can be true since Ben last entered the forums at the beginning of this year

but we will see in the future


Great to see! I gotta try this out!

Are you going to update it for the new roblox ui topbar


Hi, this should work: icon:autoDeselect(false)

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It seems like you forgot to account for :setRight’s with your theme. Another thing is that everything is misaligned quite badly.

Can you fix these so I can utilize them in production?


I’m pretty sure the updated topbarplus is for my version of the theme (it fixed the bug with hovers since my theme relied on some buggy values that foreverHD neglected). Also sure both themes are out of date since they changed the vertical height that the bar sits at (I think).
(if i am wrong then sorry mb)
(Ok I’m probably wrong will check later)


idk why this happens , for me it works perfect

edit: oh your using only the theme ? you have to replace the topbar module with this one :

I updated the module so now it uses topbar height


For some reason, the module doubles the amount of buttons you create.

What I mean is, when you create a button, it adds another completely identical one.

Here’s my script:

local Icon = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Icon)

local OurIcon = Icon.new()

Am I doing something wrong?

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