.Touched event randomly stops working after 1-2 minutes

Exactly what it sounds like.
I’m positioning a cylinder to the players feet:

local Range = game.ReplicatedStorage.Range:Clone()
local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
Range.Parent = char
while task.wait() do
	local position = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - Vector3.new(0, 3.3, 0)
	Range.Position = position

And using .Touched to know if 2 parts are touching:

	print("Touched with: "..hit) --after 1-2 minutes "Range" isn't printed anymore
	if hit.Name == "Range" then
		-- do stuff

Even though the 2 parts are clearly touching:

Both scripts are LocalScripts and are located inside ReplicatedFirst.


Why not check the touched event for just Range (if that’s not what you’re already doing). As for your original problem I have no idea why it would stop after a couple minutes.

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Range = game.ReplicatedStorage.Range:Clone()
Range.Parent = Character

	if Hit:IsDescendantOf(Character) then return end -- If you dont want Range to touch your character
	print("Touching: ".. Hit.Name)
	if Hit.Name == "blah blah" then
		-- do stuff for the touching part

while task.wait() do
	local Position = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - Vector3.new(0, 3.3, 0)
	Range.Position = Position
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Hi! Sorry if I am wrong but I am guessing its just timing out from overload from doing the same task repeatedly, Might I recommend doing zones instead of touched events

Zone Service I think will solve your problem here since its avoiding using any classic touched method


Thank you, that fixed the problem. However another one came with it and I’ll have to make a new topic about it.

Also @My47thChromosome thank you for taking your time and trying to help!

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