Tower Defense: Enemy System

I’m not sure I quite understand the issue? You want your enemies to look like this going down the path:

but not like this


I want them to be staggered rather then n a straight line.

They seem staggered to me? Could you show a simple example maybe of what you are trying to achieve?

Tower Defense Simulator. That’s the best example.

So further apart from one another and consistent?

Similar yes. To where they stagger and fill the path rather then all be right by each other.

How often do you call the move method?

every time they spawn.

local success, err = pcall(function()
	coroutine.wrap(EntityService.Move)(Enemy, EntityData)

One idea I could say that might work is to do a magnitude check around each enemy and apply some external “force” on enemies that are too close to one another. Doing so will keep them spaced and staggered like you’re hoping for. You may have to do some extra checks so they dont go past the wall either.

how would i do that?

local workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")

local EntitiesFolder = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Entities")
local EntityData = ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("Modules"):WaitForChild("EntityData")

local EntityService = {}

local MapName = nil

function EntityService.Move(Entity, EntityData)
	if not EntityData.humanoid then
		warn("Entity is missing Humanoid!")
	if MapName then
		local Map = workspace:FindFirstChild(MapName)
		if Map then
			local waypoints = Map:FindFirstChild("Waypoints")
			if waypoints then
				for i = 1, #waypoints:GetChildren() do
					local position = Map["Waypoints"][i].Position
					local spacing = EntityData.offsetSpacing/(i - 0.5)/1.35
					local targetPosition = position + * math.random(-spacing,spacing),0,0)
				warn("Waypoints don't exist!")
				return "Waypoints don't exist!"
			warn("Map does not exist!")
			return "Map does not exist!"

function EntityService:Spawn(HordeData)
	for i, v in pairs(HordeData["Entities"]) do
		if EntitiesFolder:FindFirstChild(v) and EntityData:FindFirstChild(v) then
			local DataModule = require(EntityData[v])
			local Enemy = EntitiesFolder[v]:Clone()

			local Health = DataModule.Health
			local MaxHealth = DataModule.MaxHealth
			local isBoss = DataModule.Boss
			local walkSpeed = DataModule.Speed
			local isStealth = DataModule.Stealth

			print("Entity Name: " .. v)
			print("Health: " .. tostring(Health))
			print("Max Health: " .. tostring(MaxHealth))
			print("Is Boss: " .. tostring(isBoss))
			print("Walk Speed: " .. tostring(walkSpeed))
			print("Is Stealth: " .. tostring(isStealth))

			if MapName == nil then
				for _, child in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
					if child:IsA("Folder") and child.Name ~= "Data" and child:FindFirstChild("Map") then
						print("Found a Map folder: " .. child.Name)
						MapName = child.Name
				print("Map name is not nil!")

			Enemy.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = walkSpeed
			Enemy.Humanoid.MaxHealth = MaxHealth
			Enemy.Humanoid.Health = Enemy.Humanoid.MaxHealth

			Enemy:SetAttribute("Boss", isBoss)
			Enemy:SetAttribute("Stealth", isStealth)

			Enemy.Parent = game.Workspace.Data.Entities

			local spacing = 1.25 
			local maxOffset = 1.25
			local EntityData = {} = DataModule
			EntityData.humanoid = Enemy:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
			EntityData.offset = * 100, maxOffset * 100) / 100) * spacing, 0, 0)
			EntityData.offsetSpacing = spacing
			EntityData.offsetMaxOffset = maxOffset
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead, false)
		--	Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.None, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Flying, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Seated, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Physics, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Ragdoll, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Climbing, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.GettingUp, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.FallingDown, false)
			Enemy.Humanoid.NameDisplayDistance = 0
			Enemy.Humanoid.HealthDisplayDistance = 0
			Enemy.Humanoid.DisplayName = " "
			Enemy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace[MapName].Start.CFrame * EntityData.offset-- game.Workspace.Map[map].Start.CFrame

			local success, err = pcall(function()
				for _, obj in pairs(Enemy:GetChildren()) do
					if obj:IsA("Part") or obj:IsA("MeshPart") then
						obj.CollisionGroup = "Entity"

			if success then
				local success, err = pcall(function()
					coroutine.wrap(EntityService.Move)(Enemy, EntityData)
				if success then
					warn("Error:", err)
				warn("Nuh uh! Error mate:", err)
			print("Entity or Data not found for: " .. v)

return EntityService

whats the problem just to add wait before spawning another enemy

and instead of storing entityydata in a module just store it inisde the enitities itself

They just stagger pack into the straight line.

Are you still having issues with performance? If so I’d request you take a look at the microprofiler so we can get a better idea at what’s taxing everything.

As for ensuring zombies aren’t all in a straight line, you could add a horizontal offset value that gets +/-'d every time a zombie reaches a waypoint, that way instead of walking towards, 0, 0) they could be walking towards, 0, 0) *, 0, 0).

They’d still move roughly in the same place but with just enough subtle differences so that it looks more organic.

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How can I do that? Referring to the movement I don’t understand entity movement as I don’t often deal with that. Let me get home and I’ll send you a photo


I presume the reason why it’s taking up so much is actually rendering the entities; especially since you are still using humanoids. (forgive my ignorance, I haven’t really read through all of this, especially the code.)

For the entity movement, I’d suggest using bones instead. Transforming bones are very free to render, saving up resources. For the entity offset, you can multiply the CFrame (Bone Transform is a CFrame) by the offset on the X axis.

However, since you are using :MoveTo, you’re gonna have to rewrite the entity movment.

You can read this devforum post for more details regarding bones, and other optimization tactics you can use: here

However (thank you so much for that, I will definetly look into it and optimizing the game hardcore)

But my main question is, how can I fix it from all going into one linear line, when i want them to all be like how tower defense simulator has their systems: (Image Below)

Everything works decent, but I need to figure out a way to add space between the enemies so they are not all hogging each other’s spot as-well making it so they all follow the TDS movement system, rather then staying linear (I don’t understand the correct terms for it rn, its late and i’m tired lol…)

You can use CFrames to offset your entity’s position.

However, you’ll need to rewrite how your entities move :frowning: Good thing is, I’ve already incorporated this style of movement into my own TD game.

I’ll be giving you a place file of a snippet of my code; this includes the movement and the offsetting. Comments are already provided for your own benefit.

For smooth cornering, you can use beziers or do some math to calculate the turning angle.
entityoffset.rbxl (82.4 KB)
this is a way for me to not overexplain things lol

I’d also suggest starting to move to client-sided rendering and making the entities non-humanoid. Since you’re basically rewriting the code for your entities, now should be a good time to move to client-sided rendering.

My bad, I missed your reply. If you click on the “mode” tab you should be able to switch to detailed view which will give you a full breakdown of everything happening under the hood each frame. The yellow bars represent how long it takes for a frame to process, the taller the bar the worse.
If you click on a bar it’ll scrub the timeline to when that frame was processed. You can then drag the view around, scroll up/down to zoom in/out, etc.

If you need more info, take a look at microprofiler documentation. You’ll be able to figure out exactly what’s pushing those yellow bars all the way to the top lagging your game.