Toxicity/Spam Prevention Module (Beta)

Hi, I am here to inform you today that I have Made a Toxicity Limiter Module.
You Simply Just Give it some Text and it will return the percent of how toxic it is.

To Help Reduce Toxicity in the Roblox Community Please share so more people are aware so they can use it to make the Roblox community less toxic.

Suggestion: Try The Game To see how you Like it:

Note: You Need To Enable HTTP Services and have this at the top of your code

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

Sample Code

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local module = require(6904706913)

print("Toxicity of the Word Module: "..module.analyze("Module")) 


This is What I get after running that sample code

To Use it Require The Module

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local module = require(6904706913)

And To Analyze your text use

module.analyze("Text To Analyze Here")

Analyzing Text Will Return a percent value out of 100 You can make a decision on what to do after that. Let’s say it is 83% Toxic I might do something like delete the message and warn the person.

If I were to analyze something more toxic like

“You’re Trash”

image You Can See Here that it returns with a Toxicity percent of 88%

I had it print it out BUT you could store that value
Note: Just Because it has a Toxicity Percent doesn’t mean it is toxic. It is only toxic when it gets closer to a hundred.

To find the Test Game Go To The top.

Thanks For Reading! Any Bugs Or If You Want To Show What You Made With it Write It In The Comments!

Any Errors for accessing it should be fixed now

New Feature

local result =  module.fullanalyze ("Free You Know What at This Spam Site")

^ Running This Code with the Word “module” in it it would return 7.652474
This will return the Spamness, identity_attack, insult and Toxicity of the message

Edit: added identity_attack, and insult levels
image ← This Was Printing the Word “module”


It appears that the module is not public, you forgot to make it public

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Very Sorry I made it public now! Maybe try Now?

It’s working now
And also a cool feature to prevent toxicity such as using it in terms of punishing the players for reaching toxic points of 5-10

The Problem With Making My Code Public is that some one can recreate it

Is it me or I through this post was in #resources:community-resources and you forgot to have it open sourced :sweat: as I through it’s some cool system to use ingame but not realising that it’s the showcase not a free to use

(I also have to remove it off my inventory)

I originally moved it because it wasn’t open source. I did manage to look through the source when it was set on sale though, specifically the Glitch program source.

Essentially this resource is all redirecting. The module redirects to OP’s Glitch app. The Glitch app’s source code looks to be a default template program however there’s a msg endpoint with a text parameter. When you call this endpoint, it just sends everything to “perspective-api-client” which is an open source Node library. Said library is about analysing text with machine learning to reduce toxicity.

If you know how to set up a Glitch app and a simple endpoint, well, there you go.

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Do You Know How I can make it UnOpened Source?

What does it refer to in this case?

In terms of the library, npmjs is a website that allows developers to host open source libraries for Node so realistically you can’t close the source. In terms of your Glitch app, I’m not a web developer so I can’t answer that question reliably for you.

If you do plan to make it closed source though, it does not belong in Community Resources. That category is strictly for FOSS (free and open source software).

There are methods such as obfuscation that achieve just that.

I added a full analysis part I could add more but this is roblox that part would already be cencored out by the chat.

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probably to protect against people viewing the url, other than that, not quite sure