Trading Discovery

Greetings all,

As my first post I’d like to address something which may be a problem? Recently I discovered perhaps possibly a fault in the Roblox trading system? As shown in the video when you click your robux and go to trade items and then click the back button it basically takes you to the old Roblox trading page with the same pop up window. Could this possibly lead to scams continuing that were possible with the older Roblox trading system, such as glitching the trade system to send a false trade with robux? Yes, I know you cannot send trades like this, But, you can still view and counter trades, so basically still send trades. . <— Video link

This topic should be under #platform-feedback:website-bugs since it’s a bug within the website itself.


I am on mac and tried this, although I was not able to recreate the bug. What device are you on, and do you think the bug may only be happening for you?