TRAIN I've been working on

Alright you can enter now.

[quote] How does one create something, But yet someone else declares he is stealing?
What is with the hates on this forum… [/quote]

Because if you claim you built something but it is stolen you are lying. This forum is made up of a lot of mature devs, please don’t try to lie to people…

I really hope this guy didn’t get in through this train… :uhhh:

Okay, this is the last thing I’ll post on this - if there’s still any doubt.

The top three highlighted images are Geico’s, the last is Dark’s (sorry, I mucked up there).

I talked with the creator, he said his friend gave him the model and he was editing it.

This is one of the times I wish karma was still existent.

I still believe in karma, -Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub go here.

@DARK, The terrain was nice, but the buildings and some of the models seemed a bit off to the setting. I went through a door and it was horribly built imo, same with some of the furniture, and etc. Also PBS are horrible to show for your skill.

That’s some pretty inefficient and average building.

I’ll second the question on how he got in…

That’s only in PBS mode, In studio I’m more efficient and can actually do things that look better in design.

Then why wouldn’t you show us that stuff? e.e

Alright firstly, this forum is full of insanely smart people, insanely and with that said we have the knowledge to find out if it’s stolen or not, honestly It’s not hard to see that if you go to your places and compare it with the train that it’s not your building style.

You said you thought this forum was full of mature people, and indeed it is - but you tried saying you created a free modeled train? You’re obviously going to get hate for that, that’s like saying I took a copy of uh, hmm. Vexeldy’s Univierse thing and made it my game and said I made it. Especially when he is pretty known here, I’m going to most likely get kicked out of here.

It made it worse since you just got in and you only had 10 posts or so when you posted this? I came in on this site like a normal person and was greeted and learned a lot here and helped out people, no hate towards me since I’ve been here and that’s been around 1-2 months. Don’t steal things and claim ownership, and people won’t go apeshit on you.

You just took Geico480’s train and added lights. e.e :uhhh:

The train did not get him in. He was nominated on the “Expanding our little club” thread. Plagiarism is just so… wrong. This guy is out.

I actually only just found this thread but by god I wish I’d found it earlier. I really hope your intent by posting this thread was to get banned in the first place, because if it wasn’t, may the lord watch over you in your future life because you’re going to need all the luck you can get.

Biggest mistake was taking from geico, he has a VERY, VERY distinct building style and if you changed nothing about it even AFTER stealing it, it’s honestly embarrassing you’d go ahead and post it anyway.

I’m very happy to see that the moderation team snaps up people like this instantly on this site.

Not what the hammer and Reese said.

He apologized on another thread here, but I guess that still wont justify his actions here. I pity him. But then again, copying is wrong.

the only difference between these is the part materials/colors, so uh, he stole it