Transfering Data between games without teleporting

Context: Im making a group project on roblox, and the main game has the option to create a lobby and then teleporting the players to another game, where everything will be there

The game will have “Chapters” and “Checkpoints” that i want to save

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I want to send data to the main server when the player reaches a checkpoint, without teleporting the player (since thats the only way i found to do it)

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

I simply dont know how to use DataStore, and i didnt find anything that i could use to send data from a game to another

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I tried searching for anything that i could use, but i honestly dont understand anything about DataStores and it has been an issue for me since i get stuck trying to understand it every time

If anyone could explain how DataStores work and if there is a way to transfer data between games it would really REALLY help me, since i am really stuck right now

If I recall correctly, I think there might be a post about DataStore access across multiple places within the same “Universe”. This thread was really helpful for me in understanding how DataStores work across places.

Do DataStores carry over between different places within a game? - Help and Feedback / Scripting Support - Developer Forum | Roblox

DataStores - Beginners to Advanced - Resources / Community Tutorials - Developer Forum | Roblox

Save your player data with ProfileService! (DataStore Module) - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

Save Player Data with Roblox Datastores (

I put some resources that hopefully you might find some use for, my advice would be to go through the videos first, and work through small things such as saving numbers, string, etc. This will get you adjusted on the main structure and as you progress these resources, you will gain a familiarity with how to structure your code and data. DataStores are definitely not easy, but with slow and steady progression through the material, with plenty of trial and error, you will definitely understand it.

As for your question about transfer data between games, to my knowledge you can definitely transfer data between places within one game (so if you wanted to make a sort of story mode, it is definitely possible by making different places, since the datastores will still exist), although my knowledge right now is limited across different games (perhaps there might be some API or method to do it). I prefer ProfileService since its helped me organize general data, like currency, levels, inventory, with little to no issues (while handling edge cases).

On a last note, try to learn the basics of DataStores from tutorials or guides, then proceed with playing around with how DataStores work, how to structure the functions, data, etc. I hope this helps!

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Thanks alot, i will check out the links and try to understand more about DataStores and ProfileService

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I managed to get it to work in the “Chapter 1” game, i dont know if it’s possible to load data in the “Main menu” but from what i found it is possible

Thanks a lot, i think i understand a little more about DataStores now!

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