Transferring Objects from Start Place to Other Places

My game has hundreds of unique items (700+) among dozens of other things that make it run. Is it possible to automatically transfer objects from the starter place to another place?

I mean, lets say your game has a teleporter. This teleporter teleports you to “The Dungeon”. In the dungeon you spawn in, you keep your items and such blah blah blah.

keep your items and such

How would I do this? I’m not talking about how I would get the save data like enchants and level for the item, I mean how would I transfer the model and scripts. I know one way would be to just copy and paste every item into replicated-storage for every place (around a dozen). But this gets tedious real quick.

If I add or slightly modify one item then I have to open 12 separate places up, find the old item, delete it, copy and paste the new one, publish, for each place.

If I do multiple items it will be hard to keep track of, and things will get glitchy when you load in with outdated gear.

This doesn’t even cover the dozens of essential scripts I would also have to open 12 places up and yada yada yada.

So, is there an efficient way to automatically load in objects from the starter place when the game runs, or is this just not even possible?
Any response is appreciated, even if it’s all just hypothetical.

Yes, there is a way!

Object+ (Plugin)

This doesn’t work with scripts sadly.

Edit: Oops I didn’t read the full post.

You can usually:

  • Create a place inside the game
  • Save the Game to the Place

Since its in the game, your Save Data should go to the place as well

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I don’t mean the save data for the item like what enchants and level it is, what item-id etc. I mean the actual model and scripts of the item.

I don’t think this is possible without doing that.

You Might be able to Save a Certain Data of an item, then when joining the place, your saved data should load the item if its inside the game.

Ah, I misinterpreted what you meant. I thought you meant to recreate the model using properties and My game currently does do what you said, but that would require the item to be in the game. I’m wondering if there’s a way to automatically make it “be in the game” when the game starts?

Save your items to Roblox, so you can load them as a model with an id.
So when the players transfer to a new place, you can just load the model with the items (or multiple models) without having to manually copy replicated storage over and over

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That’s actually pretty smart. Though it would require me to update the model every time, it’s not getting any better than that. There’s no risk of anyone somehow managing to import the model into their own game or anything like that right?

I don’t know about the security, you could always do a test, create a test one and see if a friend or someone a friend knows, who is not on your friends can access it.

You would have to update it but considering it does actually allow it to ‘update’ and not create a new entry, means you wouldn’t have to worry about it creating a new id with each update.

Alright, I’m gonna first test if this does function as intended, then research on the security.

Also about the updating issue, you could have multiple model files, organized by date, such as items released by year or month, or grouped by items released by class, such as ‘swords’ ‘armours’ ‘food’, or even organized by event or season ‘christmas’ or ‘summer_22’

Just some thoughts so you don’t have to edit a really huge file each time you add stuff

I’ll keep that in mind. I managed to put together a functioning load script.

local id = 11381708315
local desiredParent = game.Workspace
for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(id):GetChildren()) do v.Parent = desiredParent end

Other than that I just have to look into the security.

if you upload a test model, and give me the id, i will try to load it into studio

The id in the snippet of code I just sent is the model I just tested on (I forgot to delete it + it’s a baseplate)

I tried 2 methods, and neither worked…

Ok so I think it should be 100% safe (I’m not sure about people getting it in their inventory but if it’s off-sale it should be fine).

Well, as safe as can be, nothing is 100% safe.
Anything in replicated storage can be copied, and actually anything you can see in the client can be copied.

I believe what you are looking for are packages and package links:


Yes that’s better, I just couldn’t remember what they were called