Translate Motor6D input into Weld input

I want to get C0 and C1 for a normal “Weld” out of a Motor6D’s C0, C1 and Transform inputs

I have basically no idea where to even begin and I have been searching the internet and the devforums for a while now and have still not found an answer.

Would be thankful for someone way smarter to send me the equasion to do that.


I had (followed a tutorial) to do something similar to this for ragdoll deaths, and all I did was get the decedents of the char and check if the current decedent was a “Motor6D”
and if it was → instance a new constraint, and two new attachments, get the Attachment0, and Attachment1 of the said “Motor6D” and cframe the new ones to those, then connect my constraint to the new attachments.


Yes but that’s just creating the welds themselves which I am already able to do. The problem is adding the “Transform” but to the weld.



Weld.C0 = motor6d.C0*Motor6d.Transform
Weld.C1 = motor6d.C1

This depends on which part is the root part for motor6ds which might reverse the c0 and c1 and such.

Seems difficult since the documentation is changing but here is the source for the equation:

Welds have the same equation without the transform property.


Oh wow thank you. You’re a god. Actual god.


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