Translating global chat with new TextChatService

I’ve created a global chat system using the new “chat tabs” feature, and I’m adding messages to the global channel using:


Everything works but how do i translate chats within the global chat channel?
(I do know that chat in the main local channel is automatically translated, but not in my global channel)

I’m mainly trying to figure out if a roblox method/API exists which I can run these messages through to translate.

you can use localization service to translate strings


--[[ Local Script NOT TESTED]]-
local text = "Hello"
local locale = "fr" -- fr for french

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalizationSerivce = game:GetService("LocalizationService")
local localPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local success, translator = pcall(function()
	return LocalizationService:GetTranslatorForLocaleAsync(locale)

if success then
	local translatedText = translator:Translate(game, text)

Cool, thanks, but this only works for strings which are stored in your localization tables? So translating random chat messages isn’t working. It’ll only work if i input a string which I’ve already had auto translated - e.g. text from a textlabel in game.

I wonder if there’s a way to translate random chat messages, similar to the way roblox does it in the main chat window. I appreciate your response though, super helpful.

Looks like this feature is not yet available and is on the creator roadmap:

(Grow and engage your audience > Break down language barriers > Real-Time Translation API )