Translation es-es stops after ó

Spanish translation stops before “ó”.

This shows two text labels the top is set using the es-es translation csv file and the bottom sets the text in a local script which works as it should.

Test project translation_bug.rbxl (14.8 KB)


The localization table in the place file you provided contains invalid UTF-8, and the text renderer truncates the string when it encounters invalid characters. (It stops rendering anything after the invalid character.)

When I export the CSV file and then open it with a text editor, I notice that if I force the text editor to interpret the file as Windows-1252 instead of UTF-8, the ó renders correctly. I believe the culprit is that the source file on the filesystem was encoded in Windows-1252 instead of UTF-8.

What program did you use to create the CSV file? If you used Notepad, it has no option to save as UTF-8, which is the only text encoding supported by the CSV importer. I consider it a bug that the importer doesn’t handle UTF-16 at least, but in the mean time you’ll need to use a program which can encode as UTF-8.


The csv was created in Excel which I then edited in Notepad++ then imported into Roblox. I also feel the issue is character encoding which is not checked on importing the csv as the exported csv does not match the imported data.

I did manage to solve this by creating a new LocalizationTable and saving its csv data. I then copied the text over in Notepad++ as it did not change the character encoding.

I can’t verify because I don’t have Excel, but it seems like file -> new -> file -> save in Excel will default to ANSI encoding. I’ve been told that if you open the exported csv file Studio creates, then Excel will use the same encoding as the original file, which will work with the import tools.

I did talk with @ContextLost though and he said we’ll try to support additional file encodings (UTF-16 at least, or “Unicode” as built-in Windows applications like to call it).

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