Trello API not recognizing my board ID (no errors)

My bad I saw the api i just didnt click the starter guide thing.

Yes, you get the token manually, but did you do it the right way? I bet you did not.

And you’re missing the other required stuff to complete this script in order to function properly.

I have already read this like 15 minutes ago

return “&key=”…key…"&token="…token

I can already see that it uses the incorrect query paramaters for the request. I’ll test it and see if this is the issue

I did do it the right way, in the module script if you didn’t put in a token in the Token value, it would give an error with instructions, so I went to the site with the info I was supposed to place and it let me to a page, I accepted the authorization and then it gave me a token, and I pasted it into the value.

Okay, and did you get the script to read the board id? If not, you wrote it wrong.

I don’t know what you mean by that, please elaborate what you mean by get the script to read the board id, are you asking me to print the board id?

Go to your Trello Board
Add ".json" to end of the URL
Format the JSON so it's readable (you can find a JSON viewer online)
Search for idBoard - this will list your full Board ID


This isnt their problem, I just figured out the solution.

What is the solution, this is really helpful if you have it.

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I just tested my change and it works. To fix the issue go to the addOn function and change the return value to - " addon " -

new function –

function getAddon()
	if token~="" then
	elseif getfenv(0).token~=nil then
		local val=getfenv(0).token
	  1. Go to this link and click allow:[Your api key is at]&name=Roblox+Api&expiration=never&response_type=token&scope=read,write	
	  2. Copy the token in the page sent to you
	  3. Paste the token in the Value of Token]])
	return addon--"&key="..key.."&token="..token

tell me if this works for you or not

I’m pretty sure the purpose of GetBoardID is meant to do that for the person, but whatever.

What line is this exactly? I cannot find it.

Yes it is, but the way you’re using the API, it’s not being recognized.

refer to the edit I made 30 CH…ARs

The reason it wasnt working was because the request wasnt sending the correct query params to the API endpoint

I replaced the old function with this, still it doesn’t work.

So once I have my BoardID from wherever the JSON took me, where do I put it?

do you have both the key and the token in the correct places? the key should be on line 42 of the module script. if you already have the key in its proper place then send me the function the new function that you put in the moduele script.

I do have them both in the correct places.