Trello API [ReMade] • Use Trello easily in your game!

You joined on our Comunication Server and asked the same thing, we have re-created the system for you

Model Maked for you
TrainingBookingCards.rbxm (16.7 KB)


This is an amazing module, it works way better than the original TrelloAPI and I no longer get http bad requests from using it, so thank you for putting your time into making this module! This has saved a lot of developers.

Additionally, do you have a way to add attachments to a card? I’ve been looking into it and I don’t seem to know a way to do so, as I’m not really that familiar with Trello’s API.

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Hello There, Nice to hear that, Unfortunately for attachments, they are not currently implemented within the API, Also with roblox you could only implement Link in attachments, So if that’s what you want, the option to attach link on attachament I can consider and do it

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Yeah, that’s what I was looking for.

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Sure, I will try to implement it as soon as possible, Probably in the next few days.


:tada: TrelloAPI Updated!

Change Log:

  • Fixed a bug on “GetListID” Function.
  • Modified and updated “CreateCard” Function.
  • Added “GetAttachmentsOnCard, CreateAttachmentOnCard, DeleteAttachmentOnCard” Function.
  • Updated the Documentation.
  • Update the Version of plugin

For those who are using this module and want to update it to this version, please read this:

I changed the CreateCard function and i removed the Description as Required Argouments, So now you can also add attachments to you’re cards When you create it.
This is the new structure of the function:

-- // Trello API
local TrelloAPI = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))

-- // CreateCard(Name,ListId,BoardOptionalData)
	["Description"] = "You're Fantastic Description",
	["idLabels"] = {'ID1','ID2'},
	["AttachmentLink"] = ""

As explained in the documentation you can also not include one or more of these parameters, and you can also not include the BoardOptionalData parameter, in this case a card will be created with only the name in the list you set.

Example of the new function Added:

-- // Get All the Attachment On Cards
local AttachOnCards = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetAttachmentsOnCard("Card_ID")

-- // Create an Attachment on a card

-- // Delete Attachment on a card

Thank you to @nodoubtjordan For the suggestion of the attachments.

If there are any bugs or you have ideas for improving the code, feel free to post them here, under this message!

How i can Update the TrelloAPI Module? Re-insert it from the toolbox as a Model or update the plugin and re-insert it!


Used the module to make a banlist, but for some reason, it isn’t kicking me if I’m in the banlist, the names are right, yet doesnt want to kick.

local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("Industry Tycoon")
local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"BANNED PLAYERS")

	print("A player joined")
	if TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardOnList(ListId,plr.UserId) then
		print(plr.Name.." is on the ban list!!")
		print(plr.Name.." is not on ban list!!")

Im saving the User ID on the list

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Hello Try This:

	local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
	local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("Industry Tycoon")
	local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"BANNED PLAYERS")

	if TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardOnList(ListId,tostring(Plr.UserId)) then
		print(Plr.Name.." is on the ban list!!")
		print(Plr.Name.." is not on ban list!!")

Due Some Reason, When Requring the Module At the top of you’re server script and after call a function inside the PlayerAdded Function it’s not working, However, be careful with the requests you send per second / minute, However, I suggest you maybe check this with an event every time

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Works, thanks.
How should i do this with an event, want to make sure banned users can join the game

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Without requiring the module every time you can create a script that every time a player joins from the client sends an event to the server and the server checks if it is banned or not, but as I said be careful, if your game is very big, you risk that if many players enter in a short time you automatically risk abusing the limits of trello. Trello Rate Limits

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just a follow up, does this module allow to read the description of a Trello card

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local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))

local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("BoardName")
local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"Test List name")
local CardsOnList = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList(ListId)

-- // Print All The Cards On The List (Name And Description)
for _,ObjCard in pairs(CardsOnList) do
	print("New Card:")
	print("Card Name: ",
	print("Card Description: ", ObjCard.desc)


local CardID = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardOnList(ListId,"NameOftheCard")
-- // Get Name & Description of a specific card
for _,ObjCard in pairs(CardsOnList) do
	if == CardID then
		print("Card Name: ",
		print("Card Description: ", ObjCard.desc)

Let Me know if you have others question!


That is all for now, thanks for this amazing resource :smiley:
This will make player management so much easier


Roblox never makes things easier, trying to ban, and give reason for said ban, had to change a bit of what you provided

	local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))

	local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("Industry Tycoon")
	local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"BANNED PLAYERS")

	if TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardOnList(ListId,Plr.UserId) then
		local Card = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardOnList(ListId,Plr.UserId) 
		print(Plr.Name.." is on the ban list!!")
		Plr:Kick("Banned for "..Card.desc)
		print(Plr.Name.." is not on ban list!!")

While im here, probably should as how to set a card and decription

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Try this:

function GetBan(Plr)
	local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
	local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("Industry Tycoon")
	local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"BANNED PLAYERS")
	local CardID = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardOnList(ListId,tostring(Plr.UserId))
	local BanListCards = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList(ListId)

	for _,ObjCard in pairs(BanListCards) do
		if == CardID then
			print(Plr.Name.." is on the ban list!!")
			Plr:Kick("Banned for ".. ObjCard.desc)


Hello Developers!

:star: No updates now, but I want to thank you for reaching over 70 sale of the trello API!
We are very happy that our API is being used by Small, Medium and Large Developers, We are also always open to suggestions, or bugs!

Remember to leave a :heart: if you liked this resource.


:warning: • Scams Going Around About Our API.

I recently happened to find our trello API in the toolbox with a name similar to the original one and the same description.

These models are scams, inside there is a script that once requested requires an external module that will infect your game.

The Only And Original Model Is Owned By: Quaerit Services and can be found Here.

Thank you so much for your attention, don’t fall for these scams and first make sure who the models you take come from

:partying_face: Also I Updated the TrelloAPI:

  • Fixed A Bug with Comments API.

PS: Thank you for 85+ Sales! Remember to leave a :heart: to support us!

:rabbit2: Happy Easter!

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I’d like some event features like “OnCardAdded”, “OnCardDeleted” it’d be really cool to see some events using this API.

:+1: This is a great idea! I will work on it in the next few days as soon as I can.

Greatly appreciated! Thank you