Trello API [ReMade] • Use Trello easily in your game!

Are you talking abuot Power - Ups or “Automation” Button? however what you are asking for is definitely not within my API here on roblox.

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Yes, well I don’t have any other questions and thank you for making the API, also sorry if u got angry from my questions

:wave: Hello Developers,

It’s been a long time since the last update unfortunately I’ve been busy and haven’t had much time to dedicate to this project.

:new: Upcoming Changes:

  • I hope new functions to be included inside our API.
  • The plugin to support the project will have to be paid, by buying it you will give us a very small support to our project!
  • New languages in the documentation will be added.

:hearts: And many other little things that make this a good API!

:tada: New Update!

  • We Moved our Documentation in a Website check it our Here.

Also Guys Thank you for 370+ Sales, and thank you for the support you give us to this project.

Remember to leave us a like :heart: & Comment below if you if you have any questions regarding the API or you need help with scripts.

Hi, I’m unsure if you already have this planned but could you perhaps consider adding native support for premium features like the custom fields. Had to add this myself but I think other people might appreciate if it was added. Trello makes it very simple for you, but some people may not know how to, the Custom Fields API has a few different options but in my case I only needed to pull the custom fields:

I needed to be able to see an induvidual card’s custom fields since I’m currently utilizing them, but in your API the data returned by CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList doesn’t include the custom field data for a card. As far as I know you need to specify that you would like custom fields to be included by adding customFieldItems=true to the URL which you can see I added to the end of:

function CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList(ListId: string)
	if not ListId then
		warn("[SERVER] CardsAPI • [GetCardsOnList] : ListId is missing.")
		return false

	local Succ, Err = pcall(function()
		Response = HttpService:GetAsync("" .. ListId .. "/cards?key=" .. TrelloAPIKey .. "&token=" .. TrelloToken .. '&customFieldItems=true')

	if not Succ then
		warn("[SERVER] BoardsAPI • [GetCardsOnList] : ", Err)
		return false
		Response = HttpService:JSONDecode(Response)
		return Response

Hi There @sI0_th
Sorry for late answer, I have reviewed now your suggestion, what you say is absolutely a good idea however to use those functions you must be a premium user, So my momentary goal is to create an API that everyone can use without limitations and without functions that cannot be used, in the future maybe I can consider adding what you say.

In the meantime feel free to customize the API however you want!
Thank you again for Suggestion :+1:

Hello, I’m wondering how often it’ll check the trello for updates. I’m requesting values in the game to be updated in my game and it seems like the request is only referring back to the trello in its initial startup.

I believe you can fetch again information every 60 seconds, so in this case a while circle in a server script would help you

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I see what you meant, my issue was I didn’t update my “GetCardsOnList” in the loop. Thank you for the API. It’s very handy.

Is now fixed your problem? if not fell free to send me code here so i can give a look

I fixed my problem yes, I was wondering why my trello wasn’t fetching recent data. Just to find out that I need to redefine the list I’m using, I assumed the API did that automatically. It was fixed by adding TRELLOLIST = Trello.GetCardsInList(blahblah)

Hello! I’ve found the solution to your current problem that you were having, in the update card function, where it says Name: string, replace string with something random, but don’t make it a string, make it plain text

Greetings, @Sonostrano20 I keep getting this print out, do you know what it means?

Hello @jmxxxxxx Are you sure that TrelloAPI is inside “ServerScriptService” if not can you send me the code where you are requesting this?

Hiya, it is in ServerScriptService
Which code? The Trello API?

Here is the script which is using the trello api

Where did you put this script?
Do the following:

  1. Place This Script wich you show me in ServerScriptService (Parent must be ServerScriptService )


Are you still getting the problem?
And Can you show the full errors? (Don’t cut it as you did first in the photo)

The full errors:

Can you try re-inserting the API From the Plugin or the Model on the toolbox and try again?