Trello Ban System

Hey, so I am currently working on a trello ban system. I haven’t been able to find anything to help me out with this, so I am asking for your help!

All I want is help making a script that CHECKs if the player is trello banned, via the trello board.

I don’t need any :trelloban command or anything, thank you for your help if you can help me.

I tried using this model:
^^I don’t really know how to use it lol, but if that could work for what I am trying to make please let me know!^^


This category isn’t meant for us to feed you code. If you do not know how to code, we will have to start at step 1.

Interacting with the Trello API will require the use of HttpService. There probably are resources out there that help you (such as the Trello API thread that you included), but a simple Google search or even a DevForum search can lead you to that.

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I reccommend using this API, if you have any scripting experience. It’s not that hard to use, you can see examples in the example script. Hope this helps:

I know it wasn’t in the right category! Thank you for your help, I successfully made my ban system. Ty.