Tropicly | Rank Description

Rank Description

Heyo! This post will be regarding the rank limits and descriptions of Tropicly. If you still have questions please contact an Executive Assistant+



Customer - Customer have joined the group and are able to visit the job center/interview center.

Noted Customer - Someone who is pretty well known by everyone and is regularly in the games.

Trainee - Trainees have applied in the job center, and are able to get behind the counter.

Junior Juicer - Juniors have more experience within the field and get auto ranked to Juicer.

Juicer - Juicers have been auto ranked and can now attend shifts.


Staff Assistant - Staff Assistants help maintain order in the games and will be promoted.

Supervisor - Supervisors are there also to maintain the games and can be promoted to Manager.

Manager - Managers maintain the staff and customers, managers can do an application for EA


Executive Assistant - Executive Assistants help SHRs/HRS with recruiting and more.

Public Relations - Public Relations manage all allies, events, and social media’s.

Staff Relations - Staff Relations manage all staff and staff reports.


Chief Operation Officer - The COO will be managing the HRs and will help SHRs.
Development Team - Bob the builder
Vice Chairwoman - Helps the chairman with tasks and duties
Chairman - Helps Tropicly with tasks and duties


:bird: See new updates and teasers on our twitter page!

:pushpin: Join the group here!

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