"Trust check failed" error when sending message to discord

Roblox has recently changed their user-agent so that shouldn’t be the issue (at least it worked a week ago).
Make sure the url you’re passing has http:// or https:// prefix. If it still doesn’t work, try using a proxy like a few people suggested.

Same issue here, but I wasn’t sending a message to discord, I was making a function which checked if an username existed through an user API by sending a request to https://www.roblox.com/UserCheck/DoesUsernameExist?username=EXAMPLE. I got the same error. “Trust check failed”.

That’s because Roblox blocks any HTTP requests to the Roblox website, you’d need to use a proxy service

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Oh yes you are right! But ROBLOX should definitely whitelist their APIs.

You can not get any json file data from https://www.roblox.com use proxy to get the file content.

For me heroku is the best one to use.

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Or you can use this proxy link that @Osyris made.

Example code

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
local Url = "https://discord.osyr.is/api/webhooks/539079934660968495/DbiWa9SHZGPRc_vG8ikruzWcM_rfl2Wj1j9BUydHPnguUv_0HJTYmi-gnWZoZKzg34fg";

local Data= {
		username = "vamik64";
		content =  "From DevForum.";

	local JSON = HttpService:JSONEncode(Data);


Thanks for all your answers, I should be able to try them out later today once I get home. I’ll update it then!

All you have to do is replace discordapp.com with discord.osyr.is which is a proxy.

I’m still getting the error. I changed the Discord link to the proxy version.

I solved it! It seems that doing FireServer also takes the first variable of the event (function) as the player firing the event. I just added an extra variable “Player” along with the other two remaining variables. I’m planning on using the Player variable later on anyways!

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