Trust Check Failed

I’m trying to make it so a group shout displays in my game, and it keeps saying HTTP 501, or Trust Check Failed.

local NameOfPoster = _

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local API_URL = ""

local Data = HttpService:GetAsync(API_URL):JSONDecode()

local NameOfPoster = Data.shout.poster.username

script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = NameOfPoster```

I think you cannot send an http request directly to roblox from an experience within roblox. But you can set up a web server or vps and request from that.

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rprxy has been down for days rip

You’re better hosting your own proxy web server if you desire not to compete with rate limits eitherway. It’s fairly easy to deploy one

rprxy’s source code is available on GitHub if you wish to clone and deploy it on your own VPS, but you can check out this tutorial to deploy a free web server on heroku:

The service has been shutdown.

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